The EUniTa platform and EUniTa teaching materials were developed within the framework of the European Union's Erasmus+ project between October 2015 and March 2018. The original partners of the project are Universitat Blaquerna Ramon Llull Barcelona, University of Exeter, University of Florence, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (coordinator), University of Liverpool, Université de Poitiers und Université Paris Sorbonne. The EUniTa team consists mainly of language experts from the partner universities in the field of foreign language learning and tandem learning, especially in EUniTa languages.
The platform also provides didactic material to support tandem activities, in particular two types of material:
1) BICS - Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills.
2) CALP - Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (specialised linguistic-communicative skills for academic and professional purposes) in different academic fields (social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, etc.).
University students, PhD students at the University of Florence (from all Departments).
Languages involved
Catalan, French, English, Italian, Spanish and German.
Contacts at the University of Florence